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- A large number of Aussies are keeping a secret from their boss and colleagues at work – and the pandemic has only made things worse. Two in three Aussies feel they have to hide part of their identity at work, including their age, religion, culture, sexual orientation or disability, out of fear of discrimination, a new survey has found.
- The pandemic has also worsened the situation, with fewer Aussies feeling they can express their true selves at work compared to two years ago. There were 65 per cent of people who felt they needed to hide a part of themselves at work – which had jumped from 47 per cent in 2019, according to the YouGov survey of more than 2000 Australians.
- Two in three LGBTQI+ workers did not feel comfortable revealing their sexuality at work, while three in four people with a physical or mental disability were likely to hide that fact.
- It comes as The Great Resignation begins to be felt in Australia. Staff want to know what their employer can do to enrich their life experience and to treat them as people with a life outside of work that is recognised and included in the office.
- Hiding your age wasn’t only a concern for older workers. Older workers may do it because they are trying to fit in or don’t want to be seen as bad with tech, which is often an untrue stereotype but younger people worry they may be seen as lacking experience.source: